Washington dc web designer
Posted On at by UnknownFor sells your products and services we build websites that communicate your marketing. We built websites in different size,shape and scope. We are developing websites using many programming languages like php,ASP.Net,MySQL,Photoshop,XHTML. That's why we are giving the best result for your websites and of course it will be SEO friendly.For more details visit Washington dc web designer
You must have seen the Follow Me on Twitter link which remains on its place even if you scroll the page. Its a great way to get many followers on Twitter as your blog readers are likely to follow you on Twitter if they like your posts. So you get many new followers on Twitter and you don't even have to try hard for it. Doesn't it sound interesting??
I have created a Blogger Widget/Gadget/Plugin or whatever you like to call it which will add a Follow Me on Twitter link on your blog. Check the pic below or check the
To add this Widget to your Blogger Blog, Click on the Add Twitter Widget button given below. You will reach a page with title Add Page Element. There you will see Select A Blog option. Choose your blog and keep the Title empty. Just below it you will see Edit Content. On clicking it you will see some code. Find http://www.twitter.com/Litonice09 in it and replace Litonice09 with your Twitter Username.
Posted On at by UnknownNewspaper Tips
Posted On at by Unknown Posted On at by Unknown
Automatically Turn On Num Lock, Scroll Lock, and Caps Lock
When you start your PC, Num Lock, Scroll Lock, and Caps Lock don't automaticallytoggle on. You can automatically turn each of them on or off whenever your PCstarts, for all accounts on the PC. As a practical matter, most people probably want tohave only Num Lock automatically turned on, but this Registry hack allows you toforce any combination of keys on or off.
Run the Registry Editor [Hack #83] and goto HKEY_USERS\.Default\Control Panel\Keyboard. Find the String valueInitialKeyboardIndicators. By default, it is set to 0, which means that Num Lock,Scroll Lock, and Caps Lock are all turned off. Set it to any of the following values,depending on the combination of keys you want turned on or off:
0-Turns off Num Lock, Caps Lock, and Scroll Lock1-Turns on Caps Lock2-Turns on Num Lock3-Turns on Caps Lock and Num Lock4-Turns on Scroll Lock5-Turns on Caps Lock and Scroll Lock6-Turns on Num Lock and Scroll Lock7-Turns on Caps Lock, Num Lock, and Scroll LockExit the Registry. When you restart, the new setting will take effect.
Control User Logins by Hacking the Registry

To control logon options, run the Registry Editor [Hack #83] and go to theHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersionWinlogon subkey, which contains a variety of logon settings (as well as some settingsnot having to do directly with logons).
Following are the most important values youcan edit to customize logons
This setting lets you control how the system logon dialog box is used. If this Stringvalue is present and set to 1, all users will have to enter both their username andpassword to log on.
If the value is 0, the name of the last user to log on will bedisplayed in the system logon dialog box.
DefaultUserNameThis String value contains the name of the last user who logged on. It will bedisplayed only if the DontDisplayLastUserName value is not present or is set to 0.LegalNoticeCaption and LegalNoticeText// Already discussed
PasswordExpiryWarningThis DWORD value lets you display a warning message to users a certain number ofdays before their passwords are set to expire. It lets you determine how many daysahead of time the warning should be issued. To edit the value, click the decimalbutton and enter the number of days.
ShutdownWithoutLogonThis String value enables or disables a button on the XP logon dialog box that lets thesystem shut down. A value of 1 enables the button (so that it is shown); a value of 0disables the button (so that it is not shown).
ShellIt determines the shellthe user interfacethat will be used by XP. The default isExplorer.exe, but it can be another shell as wellfor example, the Program Managerfrom older Windows versions. Type in the name of the program; for example,Progman.exe for the Program Manager, or Taskman.exe for the Task Manager.
AutoRestartShellThis DWORD value doesn't have to do with logons either, but it's another good one toknow. It sets whether to automatically restart the Windows shell if the shell crashes. A value of 1 automatically restarts the shell.
A value of 0 tells XP not to restart the shell,forcing you to log off and then back on again to restart it.
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